📣 The time has come! 📣
You can now book your appointments for the 2024 year!
Here are some things you may want to know:
⁃ Ila will be working Mondays/ Wednesdays/ Fridays (and will have many evening options available!) Her schedule will be opening online soon so stay tuned!
⁃ Katrina is continuing to work evenings as well, She if offering her Reiki services Monday-Friday and SATURDAYS!
⁃ Alyssa will continue to work Monday-Wednesday with alternating Fridays/Saturdays.
👉🏻 Please note that Alyssa will be starting the new year on Jan 5th and will be away for holidays from Jan 14-24.
We cannot wait to you in the office again soon!
In the meantime, stay warm, enjoy the winter, and book your sessions! ❄️☃️❄️